[sg_popup id=”1″ event=”onload”][/sg_popup]Easy Peel Fresh Hard Boiled Eggs
Hard boiled eggs can be tricky at sometimes, especially with fresh eggs. Over cooked yolks or shells stuck to the egg are a couple of problems that I tend to have. The shells are the primary problem with fresh eggs.
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So much so, that I have chicken owner friends who actually go to the store and by their eggs there knowing that they are much older and will peel easier!
This is not like an option for me. If I were to do that I would be completely defeating the purpose of my ladies out back and their healthy gifts to me everyday!
I asked plenty of people what their tricks were and I got a few responses.
Some said to add baking soda to the water.
Maybe I did something wrong but that was a fail for me.
And others just said to save eggs to age if you wanted to hard boil them.
This doesn’t seem possible around here. They go fast!

Mixed Bag Mama
Wednesday 8th of March 2017
Wow! I have never heard of this. Will have to try this out next time. Stopping by from the Homesteader Hop.
Mixed Bag Mama
Wednesday 8th of March 2017
Wow! I have never heard of this. Will have to try this out next time. Stopping by from the Homesteader Hop.
Skip The Bag
Saturday 21st of January 2017
Pinning this for spring when I am up to my eyeballs in eggs. I haven't tried to boil them yet, but now I'm just going to try it this way!
Sweet Beet Pickled Eggs - A Chick And Her Garden
Monday 16th of January 2017
[…] by hard boiling your eggs, with the process in Easy Peel Fresh Hard Boiled Eggs. I always make this with pullet eggs, which are smaller, and boil about 4 dozen. You can do […]
Jalapeno Pickled Eggs -
Saturday 22nd of October 2016
[…] Boil and peel your eggs. You can find an easy peel method for fresh eggs here. […]