Jalapeno Pickled Eggs
Last Spring I had quite a few pullets start laying, as well as my seasoned girls, and we were swimming in eggs! Dreams do come true! But, pullet eggs are very small and I do not sell them.
The locals that come to buy our eggs are looking for those huge, farm raised eggs. So I was in a bit of a pickle. (Sorry, had to.)
My parents love pickled beet eggs, so I started making them and putting them out on our roadside stand. With the eggs being so small I could fit a dozen in a quart jar perfectly, with room for extra beets and onions!
When we told my in-laws about our abundance of mini eggs, they told us about a great recipe that their friends had shared with them for Jalapeno Pickled Eggs.
I do not like hot. Period. But hubby had to try them!
So I made a batch and we shared with friends, and now I am selling them out and getting regular requests for the coveted eggs! I tried to keep the recipe under wraps because they do so well out on the stand. But we like sharing, especially Nick!
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Out for drinks the other night at our favorite neighbors/brew pub I caught him giving the recipe to the cook! So the jig is up, and if she can have the recipe then so can you!
I hope you enjoy, they don’t last long around here!
4 dozen pullet eggs (or approximately 3 dozen large eggs)
4 cups white vinegar
1/4 vegetable oil
1 pint jar pickled jalapenos with juice
1 4 oz. can hot green chilies
1 medium onion chopped
3 Tbls HOT Habenero Tabasco Sauce
2 Tbls Salt
1 Tbls onion salt
1 Tbls garlic salt
1 Tbls cruched red pepper
1 Tbls ginger
2 cloves garlic, crushed
* You will need 3-4 quart jars with lids and bands
- Boil and peel your eggs. You can find an easy peel method for fresh eggs here.
- Separate your eggs into quart jars.
- Combine remaining ingredients in a medium sauce pan and boil for 10-15 minutes.
- Divide this among the jars and seal.
- Allow them to sit, refrigerated, for 5-7 days for full flavor.
Like spicy and pickled?? Don’t forget to check out my recipe for Spicy Dilly Beans!

Jalapeno Pickled Eggs
- 4 dozen pullet eggs (or approximately 3 dozen large eggs)
- 4 cups white vinegar
- 1/4 vegetable oil
- 1 pint jar pickled jalapenos with juice
- 1 4 oz. can hot green chilies
- 1 medium onion chopped
- 3 Tbls HOT Habenero Tabasco Sauce
- 2 Tbls Salt
- 1 Tbls onion salt
- 1 Tbls garlic salt
- 1 Tbls crushed red pepper
- 1 Tbls ginger
- 2 cloves garlic, crushed
- Boil and peel your eggs. You can find an easy peel method for fresh eggs here.
- Separate your eggs into quart jars.
- Combine remaining ingredients in a medium sauce pan and boil for 10-15 minutes.
- Divide this among the jars and seal.
- Allow them to sit, refrigerated, for 5-7 days for full flavor.
Chad Donahue
Saturday 18th of April 2020
I wish i'd left out the vegetable oil
Google User
Sunday 11th of August 2019
Trying to figure out why added oil? The pickled jalpenos already have oil.Left it out,good eggs but i reduced the salt by using onion and garlic powder and sliced the garlic cloves. Overall a five star recipe,you should sell out on your stand. Thanks
Friday 17th of May 2019
Why do we need to refrigerate
Friday 17th of May 2019
Unless they are processed in a canning facility, you run the risk of botulism with eggs if they are not refrigerated.
Tuesday 6th of February 2018
You say "1/4 vegetable oil". I'm assuming that means 1/4 cup? Thanks! I'm looking forward to trying this!
Wednesday 26th of October 2016
Looking forward to trying this recipe. I love jalapeno pickled eggs. Thanks for sharing!